Dive into the fascinating world of The Sky Crawlers, an anime masterpiece directed by Mamoru Oshii, the acclaimed director of “Ghost in the Shell.” This film will transport you to an alternate universe where fighter pilots, known as Kildren, fight aerial battles in an endless conflict.
Product Features:
- Format: DVD
- Language: Japanese (Audio), Spanish (Subtitles)
- Duration: 122 minutes
- Gender: Science Fiction, Action, Drama
- Distributor: Select Vision
Synopsis: In a world where war has become a spectacle, the Kildren, young pilots who never age, fight in aerial dogfights to entertain the masses. The story follows Yuichi Kannami, a new pilot who joins the Rostock Air Base, where he begins to question the nature of his existence and the purpose of war.
Why you'll love it:
- Awesome animation: Enjoy exceptional visual quality with breathtaking aerial combat scenes.
- Deep history: Una narrativa que explora temas filosóficos y existenciales, perfecta para los amantes del anime con contenido significativo.
- Collector's Edition: A must-have for any fan of anime and Mamoru Oshii's work.
Duck The Sky Crawlers to your collection and live a unique cinematic experience that will make you reflect on life, war and humanity.